Stroller Muffs are not what they sound like. In Europe a foot muff is something that attaches to a stroller to keep baby warm. Not here. No, Stroller Muffs are a basically a pair of warm boxing gloves (because they are, of course, one size fits all!) that are attach to your stroller's handle to keep your hands warm. Yeah, we're I'm from, we have something called *mitts* and they work just fine.
Did you know that it's never too early to introduce your baby to music? While junior is in-utero, you can strap an iPod to your belly, and you can both get your groove on. If you can believe it, there's more than one of these concepts. Do we really need to start soothing the baby *before* he's born? Can't we at least wait until he's born?
Of course, when junior makes his debut, and needs soothing, there is a product for that. It's called the Why Baby Cry Analyzer. It will tell you why your baby is unhappy! Fantastic, no? I was standing next to this booth and there was a baby crying next to me. I was dying (dying!) for the mom to ask them to analyze the baby's cry, but she didn't. I'm tempted to pinch Gracie and take her over there, but that would be wrong. Seriously, when a baby cries it's usually for one of a few simple reasons. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm wet. It ain't rocket science! I really think products like this handicap parents, give it some time and pay attention, you will muddle through it and figure out your baby.
The one product I can't get over is the Head Snuggler. It's basically a big toque for a carseat or stroller, to prevents 'head lolling' (is that the technical term?). I can't figure out how you would put it on. When the baby's awake? Gracie would not tolerate having her head smashed against the carseat, I don't know many kids that would. And besides, don't you think it would be pretty easy for a child to bend their head forward and get out of it, therefore rendering the carseat toque useless?
I do feel sorry for some booths when I walk by, I'm sure like most business owners, they are passionate about their ideas, but still. We don't need more stuff! You learn pretty quickly when you're walking by not to make eye contact with ppl at booths b/c they will suck you in for a 15-minute sales pitch, and when there are so many things to see, you have to spend your time wisely. It's uncomfortable, but it has to be done.
susie ;)
I've gotta get me some stroller muffs... ;) LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm going to try the calming mitts on my husband.
Okay.. those Zakees hand-shaped pillows had me seriously laughing out loud! Funny post..
ReplyDeleteI really don't "get" the head snuggler?? Is it supposed to go over their face or what? Nope, my baby would not tolerate this either!
Brilliant. That Head Hugger mauling device is Canadian!
ReplyDeleteI just love to hear what you see. It makes me laugh - I need a laugh right now. Oh and my baby is asleep, although he will cry soon, maybe I need time to analyze why he is crying - oh wait, it will probably be because he will be hungry (as he always is when he wakes up from hi snap).
ReplyDeleteHa, if the carseat is correctly installed, and you have a reasonably good one, their head is already supported. OR you could get a T-shirt, cut the top off to make a loop, and make the thing yourself.
Wow! I can't believe the stuff they come up with! The stroller muff is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of useless baby/kid stuff (that someone actually stocks!!!!) I was recently browsing at an Ottawa baby shop and came across something at the cash called a "Hero Stick". It looked like a glue stick and claimed to be for soothing itches/scratches/scrapes/bites. Since my son has horrible reactions to mosquito bites I was checking it out looking for the ingredients, but all I could find was "100% natural". When I asked the clerk they explained that it actually has no medicinal ingredients but is basically a placebo to make your kid feel better. I burst out laughing - since when does good old fashioned affection need to be replaced? A product is better than a snuggle and a kiss? Unbelievable!! Thank goodness my son still believes that a kiss makes it all better 'cause its certainly much cheaper than the "Hero Stick"!
Companies would do anything to create a need with those super gadgets! I was a lot more insecure with my first baby and maybe some of those products would have interested me. But now, with the experience, I'm wondering what I was thinking when I bought some items. What I like about your boutique Susie is that you have experience (4 kids... wow!) and you do your best to offer good products while giving the info about them.
ReplyDeleteHow did I ever survive with Nell, with out these amazing products...
ReplyDelete:) M
gaaawwwd... is all i have to say... lol
ReplyDeleteSeriously, seriously, seriously?? It's like those teepee-peepee, remember those?
ReplyDeleteWOW i mean. WOW. seriously, who comes UP with these things?????
ReplyDeleteMy husband kept threatening to get a 'calming mitt' so he can rub me when we get into a fight. He made that joke about 50 million times, as he is prone to do with *any* joke. He's usually the only one laughing.
ReplyDeletesusie ;)
now they need to come up with a product to keep your kid sitting still and behave while you put that head snuggler thing on them,lol...I have seen them sold in stores, but, do people actually use them???